Vision Ias - Current Affairs - March 2020 - Hindi Medium - Notesindia
Vision IAS Monthly Current Affairs (English Medium ) March 2020 is a monthly magazine which contains compilation of news for the month of February 2020 bearing relevance to Civil Service Examination. News and events from all domain i.e. National, Business, International etc. have been dealt in brief. The magazine is brought out monthly by renowned Delhi based IAS coaching institute
Table of Contents
1.1. Judges in Rajya Sabha _________________4
1.2. Right to Property _____________________5
1.3. Anti-Defection law ____________________7
1.4. Draft Recommendations of ECI On Electoral
Reforms ________________________________8
1.5. National Open Digital Ecosystem _______10
1.6. World Happiness Report 2020__________11
2.1. India’s Soft Power ___________________12
2.2. Multiparty Interim Appeal Arbitration
Arrangement at WTO ____________________13
2.3. Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty at 50___14
2.4. Indian Ocean Commission _____________16
3. ECONOMY_________________________ 18
3.1. Economic Impact of COVID-19__________18
3.2. Task Force on Sustainable Public
Procurement (SPP) ______________________21
3.3. Consolidation of Public Sector Banks ____22
3.4. Basel III Norms ______________________23
3.5. Mineral Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2020 ___23
3.6. Electronics Manufacturing_____________25
3.7. Taxing Global Technology Companies____26
3.8. Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 ___27
3.9. Fully Accessible Route for G-Secs _______28
3.10. LLP Settlement Scheme ______________29
4. SECURITY__________________________ 30
4.1. Draft Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP)
2020 __________________________________30
4.2. Fake News _________________________31
5. ENVIRONMENT_____________________ 34
5.1. Illegal Wildlife Trade _________________34
5.2. Draft Environment Impact Assessment
Notification 2020________________________35
5.3. Eco-Sensitive Zones __________________37
5.4. UN World Water Development Report ___38
5.5. Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
5.6. Living Entity ________________________41
5.7. BEE: Star Rating Programme ___________42
6. SOCIAL ISSUES ______________________43
6.1. Internal Migration ___________________43
6.2. Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) [Phase II]
6.2.1. ODF+ and ODF++ _____________________ 45
6.3. Report on Progress of Beijing Declaration 46
6.4. POCSO Rules 2020 ___________________47
6.5. Children’s Right and their Future _______48
6.6. Tech for Tribals______________________48
7.1. CoVID-19___________________________50
7.1.1. Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 ____________ 51
7.1.2. Diagnosis____________________________ 52
7.1.3. Treatment___________________________ 53
7.1.4. Vaccine development__________________ 54
7.1.5. Steps taken by India to deal with the outbreak
_________________________________________ 56
7.1.6. Herd Immunity _______________________ 59
7.1.7. Pandemic Disease_____________________ 60
7.2. One Health _________________________61
7.3. Telemedicine Guidelines ______________62
7.4. Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Industry
in India ________________________________63
7.5. New regulatory Bodies to Cover Traditional
Medicine ______________________________65
7.5.1. National Commission for Indian Systems of
Medicine (NCIsM) Bill, 2019__________________ 67
7.5.2. National Commission for Homeopathy Bill,
2019 ____________________________________ 67
7.6. Supreme Court Lifts Curbs on
Cryptocurrencies ________________________68
7.7. Empowered Technology Group _________69
7.8. Inflight Wifi_________________________70
7.9. Sun Spot Cycle ______________________71
8. CULTURE ___________________________72
8.1. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur ________________72
8.2. World Heritage List for the year 2020 ____73
8.3. Chapchar Kut _______________________74
9. ETHICS ____________________________ 75
9.1. Social Capital _______________________75
9.2. Work Culture in Times of Work from Home
10. NEWS IN SHORT ___________________ 78
10.1. Freedom in the World 2020 Report _______ 78
10.2. World Cities Summit 2020 ______________ 78
10.3. Facebook Pragati______________________ 78
10.4. Annual Refresher Programme in Teaching
(ARPIT) __________________________________ 78
10.5. Institutional Mechanism for National Technical
Textiles Mission ___________________________ 78
10.6. Kisan Rail Scheme _____________________ 78
10.7. Jeevan Kaushal Curriculum to Upgrade Life Skills
________________________________________ 79
10.8. Gender Social Norms Index (GSNI) ________ 79
10.9. Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) _ 79
10.10. Svalbard Seed Vault __________________ 79
10.11. Biological Weapons Convention _________ 80
10.12. Ultium Lithium-ion Batteries ___________ 80
10.13. International Conference on Nano Science and
Technology (ICONSAT) ______________________ 80
10.14. Fuel Cell Technology for Disaster Management
________________________________________ 81
10.15. HantaVirus__________________________ 81
10.16. MAC-Binding ________________________ 81
10.17. Methane Oxidizing Bacteria (Methanotrophs)
_________________________________________ 81
10.18. Asteroid 2020 AV2____________________ 81
10.19. Global Hyperloop Pod Competition ______ 82
10.20. National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU)
bill ______________________________________ 82
10.21. ARCI developed a Cost-Effective Solar Receiver
Tube Technology __________________________ 82
10.22. Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)___________ 83
10.23. Huntington Disease ___________________ 83
10.24. Blissful Hygiene Offering to God (BHOG) __ 83
10.25. Gormati Art _________________________ 83
10.26. Lalit Kala Akademi Awards 2020_________ 83
10.27. Pyramid of Djoser Reopened ___________ 84
10.28. Central Sanskrit Universities Act_________ 84
10.29. Kavutheendal Ceremony_______________ 84
10.30. Tribal Lockdown Rituals _______________ 84
10.31. Navroz _____________________________ 84
10.32. Errata ______________________________ 85
11.1. Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana ______ 86
12. FIGHTING COVID-19 _________________87
12.1. Global Best Practices ________________87
12.2. Domestic Best Practices ______________88
vision current affairs
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At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores
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Sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt
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sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam
et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet
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sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.